Empowering Minds For Tomorrow
Staff Directory
The Palisades Park Special Services Department
A Fully Inclusive Department: Special Education, Child Study Team, Guidance, and Health Services
Joanna Leigh Hali, Director of Special Services (Jhali@palpkschools.org)
Giovanna Benitez, CST Secretary Grades Pre K-5 (Gbenitez@palpkschools.org)
Melissa Morin, CST Secretary Grades 6-12 (Mmorin@palpkschools.org)
Fadila Addaouki, School Psychologist at the Early Childhood Center (Faddaouki@palpkschools.org)
Dr. Sara Vetter, School Psychologist at Lindbergh (Svetter@palpkschools.org)
Marisa McGuire, School Psychologist at PPHS (Mmcguire@palpkschools.org)
Beth Van Alstine, LDTC District-wide (Bvanalstine@palpkschools.org)
Cindy Vouthas-Maza, School Social Worker District-wide (Cvouthas@palpkschools.org)
Emily Kline, School Social Worker at Lindbergh (Ekline@palpkschools.org)
Luis Penalillo, Behaviorist District-wide (Lpenalillo@palpkschools.org)
Sabrina Fernandez, Behaviorist at Lindbergh (Sfernandez@palpkschools.org)
Jane Kim, Speech Therapist at the Charles R. Smith Early Childhood Center (Jekim@palpkschools.org)
Grace Lee, Speech Therapist at Charles R. Smith Early Childhood Center (Glee1@palpkschools.org)
Lisa Yee, Speech Therapist at Lindbergh Elementary School and Palisades Park Jr./ Sr. High School (Lyee@palpkschools.org)
Shannon Fallon, Speech Therapist at Lindbergh Elementary School (Sfallon@palpkschools.org)
Annette Cruz, Guidance Counselor at Lindbergh Elementary School (Acruz@palpkschools.org)
TBD, Guidance Counselor at Palisades Park Jr./S. High School, last names A-H (Myelegen@palpkschools.org)
Joanne Retkwa, Guidance Counselor at Palisades Park Jr./ Sr. High School, last names I-O (Jretkwa@palpkschools.org)
Nelson Sanchez, Guidance Counselor at Palisades Park Jr./ Sr. High School, last names P-Z (Kmaciver@palpkschools.org)
Diane Nickoloff, School Nurse at the Charles R. Smith Early Childhood Center (Dnickoloff@palpkschools.org)
Melissa Vudragovic, School Nurse at Lindbergh Elementary School (Mvudragovic@palpkschools.org)
Heidi Greiner, School Nurse at Palisades Park Jr./ Sr. High School (Hgreiner@palpkschools.org)